Getting rid of the ATF tools

Julio Merino julio at
Fri Jul 19 21:13:50 UTC 2013

On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 5:02 PM, Garrett Cooper <yaneurabeya at> wrote:
> (Pardon my message mangling as I'm forwarding this to freebsd-testing@
> for context)

Hm, I wanted to rewrite things a little bit before sending this
publicly but no big deal. Didn't know freebsd-testing existed!

> gcooper> 2. Please move the entries
> [re]moved to as they need to be removed from systems
> running CURRENT that have installed atf in the past (like my VM for
> instance). There aren't many people using ATF I suspect, but for those
> of us that are, it would be nice if the files were yanked completely.

OK.  Note, however, that the entries in are
_outside_ of any MK* conditionals.  Is there any case where they'd be
ignored?  (curiosity)

> gcooper> 3. Please put in the needed bits for generating Kyuafiles in

Yes, but that has to come separately.  (And it should probably be in, because Kyuafiles can represent both generic test
programs and ATF-specific test programs -- a major selling point for
using Kyua upfront in a system where non-ATF test programs already

Thanks for the comments!

Julio Merino / @jmmv

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