Email formatting test (76 chars, trial 2)

Darren Pilgrim dmp at
Sun Jun 12 21:16:59 UTC 2005

[ Unless you're a kind soul willing to spend time tracking down mail system
bugs, ignore this. ]

This is a test to track down some MIME format mangling that's taking place
when email gets spewed from Outlook, through my system, through FreeBSD.ORG
and back to me.  This should wrap nicely at:

72 characters

There should be no line-ending equal signs, MIME multi-part formatting, or a
b64 encoded section.  There should be just this plain old text, wrapped

This next bit has `conventions --used-to-denote -c commands and -q "quoted

This is a diff:

--- make.conf.orig      Sun Jun 12 14:10:31 2005
+++ make.conf   Sun Jun 12 14:11:58 2005
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # $FreeBSD: src/etc/defaults/make.conf,v 2003/02/15 16:34:56
trhodes Exp $
 CFLAGS= -O -pipe
 CXXFLAGS+= -fmemoize-lookups -fsave-memoized
 COPTFLAGS= -O -pipe
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
 NO_DYNAMICROOT=        true    # build /bin and /sbin dynamically
 ENABLE_SUIDPERL=       true
-PPP_NOSUID=    true
+PPP_NOSUID=    sowasthis
 NO_SENDMAIL=   true    # do not build sendmail and related programs
-NO_X=          true    # do not compile in XWindows support (e.g. doscmd)
-NOPROFILE=     true    # Avoid compiling profiled libraries
+NO_X=          andthis # do not compile in XWindows support (e.g. doscmd)
+NOPROFILE=     andthis # Avoid compiling profiled libraries
 NOUUCP=                true    # do not build uucp related programs
 MAKE_IDEA=     YES     # IDEA (128 bit symmetric encryption)
@@ -23,6 +23,13 @@
+# These are some extra comments that run past 80-characters to test
line-wrapping.  Did it work?
+# This is actually a multi-line comment.
+ * So
+ * is
+ * this.
+ */

These are some command-line examples:

# dothis -command here -o "or else"
# thisis --highly-recommended-parameter

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