[ Port x11-toolkits/tk86 ] Image in demo missing?

Joachim Moskalewski moskalewski at jmos.net
Wed Jan 10 07:05:20 UTC 2018


I've compiled and installed the port "x11-toolkits/tk86" and turned the
demos on (the binary package doesn't provide them, and so I'm using the

Executing "/usr/local/lib/tk8.6/demos/widget" I've noticed that under
"Menus and Toolbars" the entry "1. Menus and cascades (sub-menus)"
doesn't work anymore. All was fine with Tcl/Tk 8.6.7, since 8.6.8 it's
buggy. There is a new file in Tk 8.6.8, which should be installed under


but it wasn't. So just now I've tested compiling and installing the
source without using the port, and now it is available. So there are two

  1) there was something temporary wrong on my system
  2) there is a bug in the patch of the port

Please check if everything is going right with the installation of the
demos. Thanks!

:) Jo

Joachim Moskalewski
Pfadstr. 13
71069 Sindelfingen

Büro 07031 / 9877380
Mobil 0163 / 6917386
moskalewski at jmos.net

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