BSDInstall: I want the bikeshed painted plaid

Nathan Whitehorn nwhitehorn at
Sun Jan 2 20:39:42 UTC 2011

On 01/02/11 14:35, Bruce Cran wrote:
> On Sun, 02 Jan 2011 12:49:35 -0600
> Nathan Whitehorn<nwhitehorn at>  wrote:
>> As those of you who obsessively follow the SVN commit mails may have
>> noticed, I recently began work on a new installer, which I have
>> tentatively named 'bsdinstall'. You can find the code itself at
>> svn:// and a wiki page
>> describing it at
> You may want to reconsider having single large distfiles: people still
> want to do ftp installs over dialup and having chunks of around 10MB or
> so would allow downloads to be re-tried if the connection fails.
> Some people think modern FreeBSD releases shouldn't be installed on
> anything other than modern hardware and technologies (i.e. broadband),
> but I disagree.

That's a good point. I was planning on using libfetch's restart feature 
for this case. Do you think that would be unreliable?

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