SPARC vs. the MPSAFE TTY layer

Ed Schouten ed at
Tue Jun 24 18:34:04 UTC 2008

Hello SPARC hackers,

Last week I sent this message to some of the FreeBSD lists, to discuss
my work on the new TTY layer I'm working on. The entire message is
available at:

----- Forwarded message from Ed Schouten <ed at> -----
> Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 20:56:32 +0200
> From: Ed Schouten <ed at>
> To: FreeBSD Arch <arch at>, FreeBSD Current <current at>
> Subject: MPSAFE TTY layer - Testers? Reviews?


> - The sio(4), cy(4), digi(4), ubser(4), uftdi(4), nmdm(4), ng_h4(4),
>   ng_tty(4), sl(4), ppp(4), snp(4), rp(4), rc(4), si(4), umodem(4),
>   dcons(4), IA64 SKI console driver and Sun4V console driver have not
>   been ported yet. ucom(4) also needs to be polished. sio(4) should be
>   replaced by uart(4). Help wanted.
----- End forwarded message -----

There are actually two things which should be of interest to the SPARC

- The Sun4V console driver does not compile anymore. It needs some work
  to get it back to a usable state. I don't own a Sun4V machine, which
  means I can't fix it.

- The SPARC64 ofw_console(4) driver has been ported, but for some reason
  there doesn't seem to be such a device on my U5. I don't have the U5
  anymore (I temporarily borrowed the U5 at the office). I would really
  like it if someone would test this driver on his/her hardware.

- Syscons already works on sparc64. uart(4) should also work, but I
  didn't really test it thoroughly.

I would really appreciate it if people would be willing to test my
MPSAFE TTY patchset. It would be nice if I could integrate this in a
couple of months. Thanks!

 Ed Schouten <ed at>
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