complex.h math functions

Bruce Evans bde at
Fri Oct 21 03:50:59 PDT 2005

On Sun, 16 Oct 2005, Steve Kargl wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 12, 2005 at 05:23:28PM +1000, Bruce Evans wrote:

> Hopefully, this new version is closer to KNF.

It still has only 4 chars for all secondary indents

>> use it.  Listing all the special cases also serves as documentation.
>> I think the current order of special cases is not quite the best,
>> however.
> I don't follow why you think the special cases need to be re-order.
> Without knowing how the user base will abuse ccosh, there should
> be no prefered order.

The current order is almost that in the standard.  This order is not
bad but it might not give the simplest or shortest classification.
In particular, I think it might be better to group by 0's before
grouping by Infs and NaNs.

> This version incorporates your changes, fixes
> a few more whitespace problems, and expands the
> comments on the exceptional cases.

I modified to to try to document all the sign combinations, and fixed a
couple of bugs:

% --- s_ccosh.c~	Mon Oct 17 12:11:18 2005
% +++ s_ccosh.c	Tue Oct 18 18:11:22 2005
% @@ -63,9 +63,17 @@
%  	/*
% -	 *  cosh(+0 + I Inf) = NaN +- I 0.  The sign of 0 in the result
% -	 *  is unspecified.  Raise the invalid floating-point exception.
% +	 *  cosh(+-0 +- I Inf) = dNaN + I sign(d(+-0, dNaN))0.
% +	 *  The sign of 0 in the result is unspecified.  Choice = normally
% +	 *  the same as dNaN.  Raise the invalid floating-point exception.
%  	 *
% -	 *  cosh(+0 + I NaN) = NaN +- I 0.  The sign of 0 in the result
% -	 *  is unspecified.
% +	 *  cosh(+-0 +- I NaN) = d(NaN) + I sign(d(+-0, NaN))0.
% +	 *  The sign of 0 in the result is unspecified.  Choice = normally
% +	 *  the same as d(NaN).
% +	 *
% +	 * Say something about our sign choices generally but not specifically?
% +	 * The above is specific; dNaN = default NaN and d(NaN) = input NaN
% +	 * with default transformation under operations (e.g., on i386's,
% +	 * convert signaling NaNs to quiet NaNs by setting the quiet bit).
% +	 * XXX indentation of all of these.
%  	 */
%  	if ((ix | lx) == 0 && iy >= 0x7ff00000)

This also says something about NaN not always being the same value.  I'm
not sure where this should be documented.

Ther is another indentation problem in these comments.  2 spaces after the
"*" is unusual, and is not useful since the same indentation is used for
the formulas and the descriptions.  I only changed the formatting to start
a new line after the formulas.

% @@ -73,9 +81,11 @@
%  	/*
% -	 *  cosh(x + I Inf) = NaN + I NaN.  Raise the invalid
% +	 *  cosh(x +- I Inf) = dNaN + I dNaN.
% +	 *  Raise the invalid
%  	 *  floating-point exception for finite nonzero x.
%  	 *
% -	 *  cosh(x + I NaN) = NaN + I NaN.  Optionally raise the invalid
% -	 *  floating-point exception for finite nonzero x.
% +	 *  cosh(x + I NaN) = d(NaN) + I d(NaN).
% +	 *  Optionally raises the invalid
% +	 *  floating-point exception for finite nonzero x.  Choice = raise.
%  	 */
%  	if (ix < 0x7ff00000 && iy >= 0x7ff00000)

An earlier version tried to document the sign of the resulting NaN.  I
decided that this was too much detail.  But the detail that the sign of
0's is copied from the sign of a NaN is documented for other cases.

This also improves the wording for options.

% @@ -83,10 +93,13 @@
%  	/*
% -	 *  cosh(+Inf + I 0)   = +Inf + I 0.
% -	 *  cosh(+Inf + I NaN) = +Inf + I NaN.
% -	 *  cosh(+Inf + I y)   = +Inf cis(y) for finite nonzero y.
% -	 *                       cis(y) = cos(y) + I sin(y).
% -	 *  cosh(+Inf + I Inf) = +Inf + I NaN.  The sign of Inf in the result
% -	 *  is unspecified.  Raise the invalid floating-point exception.
% +	 *  cosh(+-Inf +- I 0)   = +Inf + I (+-)(+-)0.
% +	 *
% +	 *  cosh(+-Inf + I NaN)  = +Inf + I d(NaN).
% +	 *
% +	 *  cosh(+-Inf +- I Inf) = +Inf + I dNaN.
% +	 *  The sign of Inf in the result is unspecified.  Choice = always +.
% +	 *  Raise the invalid floating-point exception.
% +	 *
% +	 *  cosh(+-Inf + I y)   = +Inf cos(y) +- I Inf sin(y)
%  	 */
%  	if (ix >= 0x7ff00000 && ((hx & 0xfffff) | lx) == 0) {

This also adds newlines and drops cis().  cis() doesn't work in the
precence of signs.

% @@ -99,11 +112,14 @@
%  	/* 
% -	 *  cosh(NaN + I 0)   = NaN +- I 0.  The sign of 0 in the result
% +	 *  cosh(NaN +- I 0)  = d(NaN) + I sign(d(NaN, +-0))0.
% +	 *  The sign of 0 in the result
%  	 *  is unspecified.
%  	 *
% -	 *  cosh(NaN + I y)   = NaN + I NaN.  Raise the invalid
% -	 *  floating-point exception for finite nonzero y.
% +	 *  cosh(NaN + I y)   = d(NaN) + I d(NaN).
% +	 *  Optionally raises the invalid
% +	 *  floating-point exception for finite or infinite nonzero y.
% +	 *  Choice = raise for infinite y only.
%  	 *
% -	 *  cosh(NaN + I NaN) = NaN + I NaN.
% +	 *  cosh(NaN + I NaN) = d(NaN) + I d(NaN).
%  	 */
%  	if ((iy | ly) == 0)

This also fixes the description of the exception for cos(NaN + I y).  I
checked all your decriptions against n1124.pdf and got this fix from there.
Note that the case cosh(NaN +- I Inf) is together with cosh(NaN + I y)
for finite y since finite and infinite y's act the same here because the
NaN dominates.  Hmm, it seems wrong to even optionally raise an exception
for finite y.

>> % diff -ruN /usr/src/lib/msun/man/cosh.3 freebsd/src/lib/msun/man/cosh.3
>> % --- /usr/src/lib/msun/man/cosh.3	Fri Jan 14 15:28:28 2005
>> % +++ freebsd/src/lib/msun/man/cosh.3	Sat Oct  8 11:46:29 2005
>> % ...
>> OK; could be more detailed.
> Do you want a section that describes the range of inputs that
> return a non-infinite results?  Do you want a section that
> describes the return value and the exceptional cases?  I'll
> have to do this later because I'll need to learning some
> additional mdoc features.

Exceptional cases are mostly not described at all for the real functions,
so I wouldn't describe them better for the complex functions.  I was
thinking mainly of doumenting the intention that the error is < 2 ulps
and noting cases where this isn't implemented in the BUGS section.

>> % +	 *  cosh(x + I Inf) = NaN + I NaN, finite x != 0, invalid exception.
>> % +	 *  cosh(x + I NaN) = NaN + I NaN, finite x != 0, opt. inval. except.
>> % +	 */
>> Not quite enough space to describe it all on 1 line; the inputs and outputs
>> get mixed cryptically; might use more formal abbreviations.
> I've expanded all comments to essentially the language in n1124.pdf.

I'd still like to find a more concise version.  Have a look at e_pow.c.

> I've updated [c_coshf.c] also.  Note, the forward declaration of
> ccosh() is not needed because complex.h should contain a
> prototype for it.

My version with these and some other cosmetic changes.  Everything except
the copyright:

% /*
%  * Hyperbolic cosine of a float complex argument.
%  */
% #include <complex.h>
% float complex
% ccoshf(float complex z)
% {
% 	return (ccosh(z));
% }

>> % diff -ruN /usr/src/lib/msun/src/math_private.h
>> freebsd/src/lib/msun/src/math_private.h
>> % --- /usr/src/lib/msun/src/math_private.h	Fri Feb  4 12:05:39 2005
>> % +++ freebsd/src/lib/msun/src/math_private.h	Fri Oct  7 17:30:40 2005
>> % @@ -155,6 +155,36 @@
>> %  } while (0)
>> %
>> I needed a namespace hack to make this compile.  Clients that don't use
>> this shouldn't need to include <complex.h>, and this file shouldn't
>> include it.  I used "#ifdef I".
> A single letter #ifdef makes me nervous, and it isn't very descriptive.
> I would suggest using #ifdef _COMPLEX_H.  OTOH, math_private.h isn't
> an installed header file, so only the person or persons writing the
> complex math functions need to be bothered by this.

I actually used `complex'.  _COMPLEX_H is much better.  The only problem
with it is to misspell it consistently (it should be spelled _COMPLEX_H_;
tail -1 *.h in /usr/include shows similar misspellings and other style
bugs like backwards comments in about half of the headers).

>> I think the underscores shouldn't be used here (not even for __inline).
>> This is not a public interface so we don't need to be very careful with
>> the namespace.
> I removed the underscores in my local tree.  There, of course, were no problems.
>> Otherwise good.  These interfaces seem to work well.
> You did not provide a patch to your local math_private.h.

Here it is, after fixing the ifdef and removing most undercores:

% Index: math_private.h
% ===================================================================
% RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/lib/msun/src/math_private.h,v
% retrieving revision 1.17
% diff -u -2 -r1.17 math_private.h
% --- math_private.h	4 Feb 2005 20:05:39 -0000	1.17
% +++ math_private.h	21 Oct 2005 10:43:22 -0000
% @@ -155,4 +162,45 @@
%  } while (0)
% +#ifdef _COMPLEX_H
% +/*
% + * Inline functions that can be used to construct complex values.
% + *
% + * The C99 standard intends x+I*y to work for this, but x+I*y is
% + * currently unusable in general since gcc introduces many overflow,
% + * underflow, sign and efficiency bugs by rewriting I*y as (0+I)*(y+0*I)
% + * and laboriously computing the full complex product.  In particular,
% + * I*Inf is corrupted to NaN+I*Inf, and I*-0 is corrupted to 0+I*0.
% + */
% +static __inline float complex
% +cpackf(float x, float y)
% +{
% +	float complex z;
% +
% +	__real__ z = x;
% +	__imag__ z = y;
% +	return (z);
% +}
% +
% +static __inline double complex
% +cpack(double x, double y)
% +{
% +	double complex z;
% +
% +	__real__ z = x;
% +	__imag__ z = y;
% +	return (z);
% +}
% +
% +static __inline long double complex
% +cpackl(long double x, long double y)
% +{
% +	long double complex z;
% +
% +	__real__ z = x;
% +	__imag__ z = y;
% +	return (z);
% +}
% +#endif /* _COMPLEX_H */
% + 
%  /*
%   * ieee style elementary functions

> BTW, the exceptional cases for ccos(z) are defined in n1124.pdf
> in terms of ccos(z) = ccosh(I z).  We can do
> double complex
> ccos(double complex z)
> {
>   return (ccosh(-cimag(z),creal(z));
> }
> or if you prefer we can copy s_ccosh.c and change
>   x = creal(z);
>   y = cimag(z);
> to
>   x = -cimag(z);
>   y = creal(x);

Use the version with the extra function call for now.


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