Fixing ilogb()

Stefan Farfeleder stefanf at
Mon May 10 08:38:10 PDT 2004

On Sun, May 09, 2004 at 09:44:03PM +1000, Bruce Evans wrote:

> % Index: src/lib/msun/i387/s_ilogb.S
> % ===================================================================
> % RCS file: /usr/home/ncvs/src/lib/msun/i387/s_ilogb.S,v
> % retrieving revision 1.8
> % diff -u -r1.8 s_ilogb.S
> % --- src/lib/msun/i387/s_ilogb.S	6 Jun 2000 12:12:36 -0000	1.8
> % +++ src/lib/msun/i387/s_ilogb.S	8 May 2004 18:57:27 -0000
> % @@ -43,11 +43,27 @@
> %  	subl	$4,%esp
> %
> %  	fldl	8(%ebp)
> % +	fxam
> % +	fnstsw	%ax
> % +	sahf
> This is the main runtime overhead.  I think it can mostly be avoided by
> checking the return value.  ilogb() can only be INT_MIN after overflow
> or other conversion errors (check this).  There 3 cases:
> - logb(0) = -Inf; fistpl(-Inf) = INT_MIN + IE
> - logb(Inf) = Inf; fistpl(-Inf) = INT_MIN + IE
> - logb(NaN) = same NaN; fistpl(NaN) = INT_MIN + IE
> After finding one of these rare cases, the exact case still needs to be
> determined by looking at the original value or the result of fxtract.
> Then fucom with 0 should be a faster way to do the classification.  A
> full classification is not needed sice denormals are not special here
> and unsupported formats are unsupported here too.

Thanks for your comments, Bruce.  A revised patch is attached, it only adds two
instructions in the common case.


> % +	movl	$0x7fffffff,%eax	/* FP_ILOGBNAN, INT_MAX */
> Style bugs: some comments could be improved, but won't be needed when
> <machine/_limits.h> is used.

Unfortunately <math.h> cannot be included for FP_ILOGB{0,NAN}, so I've
duplicated those #defines for now.  Any suggestions?  Move them to another/new
header instead?

-------------- next part --------------
Index: src/lib/msun/i387/s_ilogb.S
RCS file: /usr/home/ncvs/src/lib/msun/i387/s_ilogb.S,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -I.svn -u -r1.8 s_ilogb.S
--- src/lib/msun/i387/s_ilogb.S	6 Jun 2000 12:12:36 -0000	1.8
+++ src/lib/msun/i387/s_ilogb.S	10 May 2004 15:24:43 -0000
@@ -33,10 +33,15 @@
  *	J.T. Conklin (jtc at, Winning Strategies, Inc.
+#include <machine/_limits.h>
 #include <machine/asm.h>
 RCSID("$FreeBSD: src/lib/msun/i387/s_ilogb.S,v 1.8 2000/06/06 12:12:36 bde Exp $")
+#define	FP_ILOGB0	(-__INT_MAX)
 	pushl	%ebp
 	movl	%esp,%ebp
@@ -44,10 +49,35 @@
 	fldl	8(%ebp)
-	fstp	%st
+	fstp	%st(0)
 	fistpl	-4(%ebp)
 	movl	-4(%ebp),%eax
+	/* fistpl yields __INT_MIN for NaN, Inf and 0. */
+	cmpl	$__INT_MIN,%eax
+	je	.L2
+	fldl	8(%ebp)
+	fldz
+	fucompp
+	fnstsw	%ax
+	sahf
+	jp	.L3
+	jz	.L4
+	movl	$FP_ILOGBINF,%eax
+	jmp	.L1
+	movl	$FP_ILOGBNAN,%eax
+	jmp	.L1
+	movl	$FP_ILOGB0,%eax
+	jmp	.L1

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