PATCH for a more-POSIX `ps', and related adventures

Albert Cahalan albert at
Thu Mar 25 14:09:36 PST 2004

On Thu, 2004-03-25 at 16:07, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> At 3:40 PM -0500 3/25/04, Albert Cahalan wrote:
> >
> >Also, I'd be happy to support a FreeBSD-compatible "Z" if you
> >can properly describe it to me.
> This description from the source might help (since I have not
> written the man-page entry for it yet.  Ahem...):

'Z' != 'X'

Thanks for the "X" info though. Supporting "X" this way
would be seriously hard for me. I could do it as a final
filter, but then "p" would be affected. I could add it
into the table that does the non-list selection options,
but then the list-based selections wouldn't be filtered.
(my "-p 123" is affected if-and-only-if "-g 123" is too)

I suppose the whole point is to filter processes out
of the listed selections? This seems to be quite a bit
of complexity for little gain. It looks like you're
headed toward something that might best be done like:
    ps --match="ruid in 1,1000,1082 && tty!=NOTTY"

(instead of approaching it hack-by-hack over the years)

I think "ps xX" should be an error, and maybe "ps xx" too.

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