Current problem reports assigned to you
FreeBSD bugmaster
bugmaster at
Mon Oct 6 11:01:31 PDT 2003
Current FreeBSD problem reports
Critical problems
Serious problems
S Submitted Tracker Resp. Description
s [2001/01/23] misc/24590 standards timezone function not compatible witn Sin
o [2002/02/25] bin/35307 standards standard include files are not standard c
o [2003/03/05] bin/48958 standards The type 'bool' has different sizes for C
o [2003/04/21] standards/51209standards [PATCH] add a64l()/l64a/l64a_r functions
p [2003/06/05] standards/52972standards /bin/sh arithmetic not POSIX compliant
o [2003/06/20] standards/53554standards interval timers not cleared in fork()
o [2003/07/12] standards/54410standards one-true-awk not POSIX compliant (no exte
o [2003/09/15] standards/56906standards Several math(3) functions fail to set err
8 problems total.
Non-critical problems
S Submitted Tracker Resp. Description
o [2001/01/16] bin/24390 standards Replacing old dir-symlinks when using /bi
o [2001/11/20] standards/32126standards getopt(3) not Unix-98 conformant
s [2002/03/18] standards/36076standards Implementation of POSIX fuser command
o [2002/06/13] standards/39256standards [v]snprintf aren't POSIX-conformant for s
o [2002/07/09] misc/40378 standards stdlib.h gives needless warnings with -an
p [2002/07/16] standards/40669standards command command does not support `-p' opt
p [2002/08/12] standards/41576standards POSIX compliance of ln(1)
o [2002/10/23] standards/44425standards getcwd() succeeds even if current dir has
o [2002/12/09] standards/46119standards Priority problems for SCHED_OTHER using p
o [2002/12/23] standards/46504standards Warnings in headers
o [2003/04/22] standards/51292standards [PATCH] add ecvt()/fcvt()/gcvt() function
o [2003/06/22] standards/53613standards FreeBSD doesn't define EPROTO
o [2003/06/24] bin/53682 standards [PATCH] add fuser(1) utitity
o [2003/07/24] standards/54809standards pcvt deficits
o [2003/07/24] standards/54833standards more pcvt deficits
o [2003/07/25] standards/54839standards pcvt deficits
o [2003/09/04] standards/56476standards cd9660 unicode support simple hack
o [2003/09/27] standards/57295standards [patch] make does not include cmd line va
18 problems total.
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