Updated to 13-STABLE in VirtualBox; on shutdown stuck after uhub[01] being detached

Guido Falsi mad at madpilot.net
Wed Apr 28 20:05:12 UTC 2021

On 28/04/21 00:12, parv wrote:
> Hi there,
> I had updated FreeBSD, in VirtualBox 5.22 on Windows with EFI, from
> to 13-STABLE; upgraded the ZFS pools & the EFI boot loader. Currently
> testing with 13 GENERIC kernel.

You mean you enabled EFI inside virtualbox? Why do you need that? EFI 
support in VirtualBox is experimental and is available for OSes unable 
to boot without EFI. FreeBSD is perfectly able to boot in virtualbox 
without EFI so no need for it.

Now I understand reconfiguring the VM to not use EFI can be annoying, 
but you should really verify if the problem goes away without EFI.

Also can you try installing another FreeBSD VM and verify the problem 
happens for that one too? This could help understand if the problem is 
with virtualization or specific to the VM.

> Now on shutdown, "shutdown -p now" (in single user mode, after manually
> unmounting
> ZFS datasets via "zfs unmount -a"), the shutting down process gets stuck,
> and
> CPU use jumps to 80% (Intel i5 6300U, 3 CPUs given to VM, of Thinkpad
> X260). Last
> few lines are ...
> ...
> All buffers synced.
> Uptime: <however long>
> uhub0: detached
> uhub1: detached
> In the end I chose "Power Off" from VirutalBox menu. "Reset" reboots the
> machine.
> None of these have any effect ...
>    - Send the shutdown signal
>    - ACPI Shutdown
> Help please.

NOt sure even which further information to ask about this, but to be 
sure I understand correctly, FreeBSD is the guest here, correct?

Guido Falsi <mad at madpilot.net>

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