Deprecating base system ftpd?

Andy Farkas andyf at
Thu Apr 15 02:28:54 UTC 2021

>> I think this is an excellent start. My shopping list includes:
>> - remove ftp(1)
>> - remove ftpd(8)
>> - remove telnet(1)
>> - remove telnetd(8)
>> - remove ftp:// and http:// from libfetch. This is 2021 and we should all
>> use https://.
>> - replace DNS lookups with DoH and/or DoT. Why let your ISP see your DNS
>> traffic?

I wonder how many people use YP/NIS (man 8 yp)?

It's a nifty concept; I played around with it last century...

I believe there is still an open PR in bugzilla I created (can't find it

right now, used a diffent email address back then, although same


Removing it from base (if it should be done at all) looks very complicated

and therefore creating a port equally so.

I know this topic (removing ftpd) is closed, so perhaps this should be

a new one (removing YP/NIS)?  ie. no development on yp has been

done for over a decade.

My view: remove neither


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