Deprecating base system ftpd?

Daniel Morante daniel at
Mon Apr 5 00:05:34 UTC 2021

My vote is for no.

Reasoning is simple... at what point does it stop?  By continuously 
moving stuff from base to ports, FreeBSD slowly becomes just a Kernel. 😉

On 4/3/2021 4:39 PM, Ed Maste wrote:
> I propose deprecating the ftpd currently included in the base system
> before FreeBSD 14, and opened review D26447
> ( to add a notice to the man page.
> I had originally planned to try to do this before 13.0, but it dropped
> off my list. FTP is not nearly as relevant now as it once was, and it
> had a security vulnerability that secteam had to address.
> I'm happy to make a port for it if anyone needs it. Comments?
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