Deprecating base system ftpd?
Marek Zarychta
zarychtam at
Sat Apr 3 22:16:51 UTC 2021
W dniu 03.04.2021 o 23:30, Rick Macklem pisze:
> Eugene Grosbein wrote:
>> 04.04.2021 3:39, Ed Maste wrote:
>>> I propose deprecating the ftpd currently included in the base system
>>> before FreeBSD 14, and opened review D26447
>>> ( to add a notice to the man page.
>>> I had originally planned to try to do this before 13.0, but it dropped
>>> off my list. FTP is not nearly as relevant now as it once was, and it
>>> had a security vulnerability that secteam had to address.
>>> I'm happy to make a port for it if anyone needs it. Comments?
>> I'm strongly against remove of stock ftpd. FTP is fastest protocol for both testing
>> and daily file transfer for trusted isolated segments, and even for WAN wrapped in IPSec.
>> Our stock ftpd has very short backlog of security issues comparing with other FTP server implementations,
>> mostly linked with libc or other libraries and not with ftpd code itself.
>> Please don't fix what ain't broken. Please.
> I'll +1 this.
> I find ftpd very handy on my local lan (for example, Windoze has an ftp client).
> Since it isn't enabled by default, I don't see it as a security concern.
> rick
It's a really valuable daemon and without it in the base, FreeBSD won't
be the same network operating system anymore. Both ftpd and tftpd from
the base do their job well, both are handy and pretty straightforward co
to configure, disabled by default and the mourning after the loss of any
of them will last long.
I know, it's not the same ftpd which served at back in
time but from the ordinary user's point of view, it's considered as an
inherent part of FreeBSD.
With kind regards,
Marek Zarychta
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