How to free used Swap-Space?

Peter pmc at
Tue Sep 22 16:19:48 UTC 2020

Hi all,

 my machine should use about 3-4, maybe 5 GB swapspace. Today I found
it suddenly uses 8 GB (which is worryingly near the configured 10G).

I stopped all the big suckers - nothing found.
I stopped all the jails - no success.
I brought it down to singleuser: it tried to swapoff, but failed.

I unmounted all filesystems, exported all pools, detached all geli,
and removed most of the netgraphs. Swap is still occupied.

Machine is now running only the init and a shell processes, has
almost no filesystems mounted, has mostly native networks only, and
this still occupies 3 GB of swap which cannot be released.

What is going on, what is doing this, and how can I get this swapspace

It is 11.4-RELEASE-p3 amd64.

Script started on Mon Sep 21 05:43:20 2020
root at edge# ps axlww
  0     0     0   0 -16  0    0  752 swapin   DLs   -    291:32.41 [kernel]
  0     1     0   0  20  0 5416  248 wait     ILs   -      0:00.22 /sbin/init --
  0     2     0   0 -16  0    0   16 ftcl     DL    -      0:00.00 [ftcleanup]
  0     3     0   0 -16  0    0   16 crypto_w DL    -      0:00.00 [crypto]
  0     4     0   0 -16  0    0   16 crypto_r DL    -      0:00.00 [crypto returns]
  0     5     0   0 -16  0    0   32 -        DL    -     11:41.94 [cam]
  0     6     0   0  -8  0    0   80 t->zthr_ DL    -     13:07.13 [zfskern]
  0     7     0   0 -16  0    0   16 waiting_ DL    -      0:00.00 [sctp_iterator]
  0     8     0   0 -16  0    0   16 -        DL    -      2:05.20 [rand_harvestq]
  0     9     0   0 -16  0    0   16 -        DL    -      0:00.04 [soaiod1]
  0    10     0   0 155  0    0   64 -        RNL   -  17115:06.48 [idle]
  0    11     0   0 -52  0    0  352 -        WL    -     49:05.30 [intr]
  0    12     0   0 -16  0    0   64 sleep    DL    -     16:28.51 [ng_queue]
  0    13     0   0  -8  0    0   48 -        DL    -     23:10.60 [geom]
  0    14     0   0 -16  0    0   16 seqstate DL    -      0:00.00 [sequencer 00]
  0    15     0   0 -68  0    0  160 -        DL    -      0:23.64 [usb]
  0    16     0   0 -16  0    0   16 -        DL    -      0:00.04 [soaiod2]
  0    17     0   0 -16  0    0   16 -        DL    -      0:00.04 [soaiod3]
  0    18     0   0 -16  0    0   16 -        DL    -      0:00.04 [soaiod4]
  0    19     0   0 -16  0    0   16 idle     DL    -      0:00.83 [enc_daemon0]
  0    20     0   0 -16  0    0   48 psleep   DL    -     12:07.72 [pagedaemon]
  0    21     0   0  20  0    0   16 psleep   DL    -      4:12.41 [vmdaemon]
  0    22     0   0 155  0    0   16 pgzero   DNL   -      0:00.00 [pagezero]
  0    23     0   0 -16  0    0   64 psleep   DL    -      0:23.50 [bufdaemon]
  0    24     0   0  20  0    0   16 -        DL    -      0:04.21 [bufspacedaemon]
  0    25     0   0  16  0    0   16 syncer   DL    -      0:32.48 [syncer]
  0    26     0   0 -16  0    0   16 vlruwt   DL    -      0:02.31 [vnlru]
  0    27     0   0 -16  0    0   16 -        DL    -      7:11.58 [racctd]
  0   157     0   0  20  0    0   16 geli:w   DL    -      0:22.03 [g_eli[0] ada1p2]
  0   158     0   0  20  0    0   16 geli:w   DL    -      0:22.77 [g_eli[1] ada1p2]
  0   159     0   0  20  0    0   16 geli:w   DL    -      0:31.08 [g_eli[2] ada1p2]
  0   160     0   0  20  0    0   16 geli:w   DL    -      0:29.41 [g_eli[3] ada1p2]
  0 70865     1   0  20  0 7076 3104 wait     Ss   v0      0:00.21 -sh (sh)
  0 71135 70865   0  20  0 6392 2308 select   S+   v0      0:00.00 script
  0 71136 71135   0  23  0 7076 3068 wait     Ss    0      0:00.00 /bin/sh -i
  0 71142 71136   0  23  0 6928 2584 -        R+    0      0:00.00 ps axlww

root at edge# df
Filesystem  512-blocks    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ada3p3    1936568  860864  920784    48%    /
devfs                2       2       0   100%    /dev
procfs               8       8       0   100%    /proc
/dev/ada3p4    3099192 1184896 1666368    42%    /usr
/dev/ada3p5     580344    8112  525808     2%    /var

root at edge# pstat -s
Device          512-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity
/dev/ada1p2.eli   10485760  5839232  4646528    56%

root at edge# top | cat
last pid: 71147;  load averages:  0.19,  0.08,  0.09  up 3+03:21:00    05:44:12
5 processes:    1 running, 4 sleeping

Mem: 9732K Active, 10M Inact, 882M Laundry, 1920M Wired, 10M Buf, 1023M Free
ARC: 335K Total, 16K MFU, 304K MRU, 15K Header
     320K Compressed, 2944K Uncompressed, 9.20:1 Ratio
Swap: 5120M Total, 2851M Used, 2269M Free, 55% Inuse

70865 root          1  20    0  7076K  3104K wait    2   0:00   0.00% sh
71135 root          1  20    0  6392K  2308K select  1   0:00   0.00% script
71136 root          1  20    0  7076K  3068K wait    2   0:00   0.00% sh
71146 root          1  20    0  7928K  2980K CPU0    0   0:00   0.00% top
71147 root          1  20    0  6300K  2088K piperd  1   0:00   0.00% cat

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