Issues with gptboot loader

Andrey V. Elsukov bu7cher at
Wed Oct 7 09:52:39 UTC 2020

On 06.10.2020 13:16, Румен Палов via freebsd-stable wrote:
> Here we do not repeat the steps with zfsloader.
> The motherboard is SUPERMICRO X11DPI-NT with lates BIOS firmware.
> Is any one having issues like this ?
> Is this behavior enougth for PR request ?


Did you try use UEFI? gptboot relies on API provided by BIOS. BIOS
usually is not tested with such large disks and may have bugs and
incompatibilities, especially related to 32-bit limitations.

The cause when it worked before upgrade, may be that blocks with data
were accessible even with BIOS limitations, but after time file system
may place data into new blocks, that become inaccessible.

UEFI is targeted to avoid limitations that BIOS have, and GPT is part of
UEFI specification, they both designed for each other. :)

WBR, Andrey V. Elsukov

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