possible problem with pkg in FreeBSD11.4-BETA2
Scott Bennett
bennett at sdf.org
Sun May 17 15:22:00 UTC 2020
Mike Karels <mike at karels.net> wrote:
> > On Date: Sat, 16 May 2020 16:05:09 +0200 Kurt Jaeger <pi at freebsd.org>
> > wrote:
> > [Mike Karels <mike at karels.net> wrote:]
> > > > This might be due to cockpit error, but I don't remember the exact history
> > > > of this machine. I have a test machine that was running 11.3-RELEASE, and
> > > > had been upgraded with freebsd-update. I upgraded it to 11.4-BETA1 last
> > > > week, and BETA2 this weekend. Then I tried "pkg upgrade" and got an
> > > > error:
> > >
> > > Use
> > >
> > > pkg bootstrap -f
> > >
> > > There's some hickup in the upgrade path between your version
> > > and the most current, so...
> > >
> > He switched from -RELEASE packages to -STABLE packages.
> Are BETA releases treated as -STABLE? If so, would this problem be
> expected? If so, it should be handled much more gracefully. If not,
> I don't think that's the problem; I'm reasonably sure this machine
> has only been upgraded with freebsd-update; it was running an 11.3
> patch version.
Now that you ask, that's a good question. I haven't run "make buildworld"
and "make buildkernel" since 28 April because I'm trying to minimize being forced
to reboot by the kernel's memory management bugs, so my stable/11 system still
says "11.4-PRERELEASE". It has been long enough since 11.3 happened that I don't
recall whether it went through a transition period of BETAx and RCx changes as it
changed from 11.2 to 11.3. Of course, those memory management bugs first caused
big problems starting when 11.2 happened, so I may have missed some of the
transition due to infrequent system updates. I only remember that it won't say
it's 11.4-STABLE until the release happens and I've updated /usr/src and built and
installed a new system.
Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet: bennett at sdf.org *xor* bennett at freeshell.org *
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