Using VLAN ID 1

Michael Pumford michaelp at
Tue Jun 9 17:31:33 UTC 2020

On 01/06/2020 10:18, Stefan Bethke wrote:
> Only tangential to your main issues, but:
>> Am 31.05.2020 um 18:07 schrieb Eugene M. Zheganin <emz at>:
>> Another weird this is that vlan1  is refusing to work (seems like packets are never received on the VM side) unless its configured on another adapter in the -Untagged (once again powershell term for SetVmNetworkAdapterVlan).
> I believe it is best practice to not use VLAN ID 1 in your network design because many vendors assign it a special role, and it can be hard to reconfigure that on the devices. The virtual switch might have the same issue.
Every managed switch (from multiple vendors) I've ever seen has used 
vlan1 as the tag that gets assigned to all untagged traffic. So as soon 
as you have at least one managed switch on your network vlan 1 is going 
to behave oddly. It might work okay if there are no managed switches but 
even then they might actually still be using that vlan behind the scenes.

Wouldn't be surprised if the HyperV internal switch was mimicing that 
behaviour as its a clear cross vendor assumption.


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