Synth update-system again fails with recursive crash [Was: Re: ]

Trond Endrestøl trond.endrestol at
Tue Jun 2 13:09:33 UTC 2020

On Tue, 2 Jun 2020 05:06-0700, Donald Wilde wrote:

> <quote>
> Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
> FreeBSD repository is up to date.
> Updating Synth repository catalogue...
> pkg: file:///var/synth/live_packages/meta.txz: No such file or directory
> repository Synth has no meta file, using default settings
> pkg: file:///var/synth/live_packages/packagesite.txz: No such file or directory
> Unable to update repository Synth
> Error updating repositories!
> </quote>
> I am willing to live without an updated ports tree, but how can I
> resolve the issue with the Synth repo so I can use 'pkg install'? I
> only need to install a few dozen ports from source for my work, but
> not having pkg working is definitely a source of dismay.

Try: pkg repo /var/synth/live_packages

It could be that you system is so far back in the past that running 
synth just-build /pathname/to/packagelist && synth rebuild-repository 
is so much better.

I ran make -C /usr/ports/print/tex-dvipsk all-depends-list on one of 
my well-maintained systems, and graphviz didn't show up at all. I 
might have disabled something in some of the ports that in turn 
removes the need for graphviz.


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