Running FreeBSD on M.2 SSD

Mario Olofo mario.olofo at
Fri Feb 28 04:44:36 UTC 2020

Thanks for the update.

May you share what quirks was detected for your card and firmware to see if
it matches mine?
The only way I was able to run FreeBSD 12-STABLE on the SSD was using the
suggested sysctl vfs.zfs.trim.enabled=0
Maybe the problem really is a combination of factors, for the person that
filed a bug on bugzilla the fix was setting the quirks 4k and broken_trim,
but for me the real block size is 512bytes and only setting the flag
broken_trim didn't help...


Em sex., 28 de fev. de 2020 às 00:58, Pete Wright <pete at>

> On 2/24/20 11:13 AM, Mario Olofo wrote:
> Hi Pete,
> The nvmecontrol devlist don't found any devices.
> pciconf -lv nvme0 didn't found anything either.
> The camcontrol devlist output was as follows:
> root@~ # camcontrol devlist
> <ST10000LX015-1U7172 SDM3>         at scbus0 target 0 lun 0 (ada0,pass0)
> <WDC WDS480G2G0B-00EPW0 UK450000>  at scbus1 target 0 lun 0 (ada1,pass1)
> <SanDisk Extreme 0001>             at scbus2 target 0 lun 0 (pass2,da0)
> just wanted to provide an update here.  so i had a system that needed a
> new root drive and figured that the price of this device was worth a shot.
> i figured if it has issues it'd be a good opportunity to help find the root
> cause and fix them.  so anyway...i got the drive today and i am not seeing
> any issues with it so far.  here's the device on my end:
> $ sudo camcontrol devlist
> <WDC WDS480G2G0B-00EPW0 UK450000>  at scbus0 target 0 lun 0 (ada0,pass0)
> <AHCI SGPIO Enclosure 2.00 0001>   at scbus2 target 0 lun 0 (ses0,pass1)
> $
> i am running 12-STABLE, with an encrypted zfsroot device.  i've pumped
> about 10gigs through it so far restoring my homedir with no issues, and zfs
> scrub has run without any corrupted blocks detected.
> so i don't think it's an issue with this specific m.2 device, perhaps
> there is something odd happening in your local env though that is causing
> this issue to crop up.
> -pete
> --
> Pete Wrightpete at
> @nomadlogicLA

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