Running FreeBSD on M.2 SSD

Pete French petefrench at
Tue Feb 25 11:07:58 UTC 2020

On 25/Feb/2020 10:52, Daniel Kalchev wrote:
> It might well be, that FreeBSD is more agressive with your motherboard/chipset or does not implement known quirk of that — which might trigger some edge cases for the SSD. Ultimately, if you can move that SSD to another motherboard and test it, it would confirm where the issue is.

I have often wondered if ZFS is more aggressive with discs, because 
until very recently any solid state drive I have used ZFS on broke very 
quicky. For USB sticks that is not unexpected, but decent SSD's also 
seem to last less than a year with ZFS on top. I don't let it bother me 
anymore  simply always install them in pairs and replace when I start 
seeing errors.

By the way, I am not talking about checksum errors here from ZFS, I am 
talking about the drive starting to error into dmesg. Checksum errors I 
could belive that I was gettign with UFS in the past and just didnt know 
it. But this behaviour is that the drive stops working. Some USB sticks 
lasted less than a week. Some earlier SSD's only a month or two. More 
recent SSD's are lasting longer, and I dont use USB sticks much anymore.

I am sure I have mentioned this before and people say that it works for 
them, so maybe its my magic touch which causes it. :-)


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