PAM modules; pthreads not reliably dispatching background threads :(.

Jan Bramkamp crest at
Sun Feb 16 19:14:54 UTC 2020

On 09.02.20 12:25, Dr Josef Karthauser wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> Has anyone got any experience with PAM and pthreads?
> We’re using a 2FA module (pam_yubico <>).
> It’s proving unreliable. Digging deeper it uses libcurl to communication to an HTTP endpoint, and libcurl is using pthreads for to make asynchronous DNS lookup requests.
> It seems that the pthreads are not being handled reliably within the PAM runtime context - the background threads do not complete or dispatch. It’s very strange.
> The problem doesn’t happen if we use the same code running from a user land process. The pthreads are reliably in this context.
> Is there a known issue with PAM and pthreads? Hints are that there are ( <>). But that problem was reported 3 years ago!
> If you know something I’d really appreciate a steer!
Is the "host" process multithreaded or at least built with Pthread support?

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