nvme0 error

Stefan Bethke stb at lassitu.de
Thu Apr 30 17:47:57 UTC 2020

nvme0: async event occurred (type 0x1, info 0x00, page 0x02)
nvme0: device reliability degraded

Should I be concerned? I'm using this Samsung SSD as cache and log for ZFS on a 12-stable machine.

nvd0: <SAMSUNG MZVPW128HEGM-00000> NVMe namespace
nvd0: 122104MB (250069680 512 byte sectors)

# nvmecontrol logpage -p 2 nvme0
SMART/Health Information Log
Critical Warning State:         0x04
 Available spare:               0
 Temperature:                   0
 Device reliability:            1
 Read only:                     0
 Volatile memory backup:        0
Temperature:                    311 K, 37.85 C, 100.13 F
Available spare:                100
Available spare threshold:      10
Percentage used:                110
Data units (512,000 byte) read: 18417596
Data units written:             164091845
Host read commands:             499986873
Host write commands:            1491808067
Controller busy time (minutes): 48315
Power cycles:                   59
Power on hours:                 20432
Unsafe shutdowns:               26
Media errors:                   0
No. error info log entries:     22
Warning Temp Composite Time:    0
Error Temp Composite Time:      0
Temperature Sensor 1:           311 K, 37.85 C, 100.13 F
Temperature Sensor 2:           330 K, 56.85 C, 134.33 F
Temperature 1 Transition Count: 0
Temperature 2 Transition Count: 0
Total Time For Temperature 1:   0
Total Time For Temperature 2:   0


Stefan Bethke <stb at lassitu.de>   Fon +49 151 14070811

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