/usr/src/release/release.sh -> ports -> fetch pkg -> Bad system call (core dumped)

Tomasz CEDRO tomek at cedro.info
Wed Apr 8 21:16:20 UTC 2020

On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 8:19 PM Ruslan Garipov wrote:
> > I need to see how it works with `make release` :-)
> This is what I meant when saying "you can build the source tree for
> 13.0-CURRENT on 12.1-RELEASE"; sorry if I've confused you.

No worries, my little confusion came from `make release` being a bit picky:
1. I need to buildworld first (can use -j switch, make release will
not call it).
2. I need to buildkernel first (can use -j switch, make release will
not call it).
3. Only then I can run `make release` (cannot use -j switch).

I get as good result as I need with memstick and iso images in around
19 minutes plus I can build CURRENT that way.. now I may be ready to
cross-compile :-)

3858.923u 331.683s 19:19.24 361.4%      171+561k 499674+1215072io 131833pf+0w

> Check ``Building with release.sh on -STABLE'' thread[1] on the forum.
> May be it can help you.

Thank you for the reference! :-)

> "2h looks really cool" because release(7) may build chrooted build
> environment, where it then may build port(s) and builds the target.  My
> Xeons usually spends 1.5 hours on clean release(7) (with 16 make(1)
> jobs).

A bit better but very similar result, thanks for reference.. and the
SSD hint :-)

With this power I can compile a clean firmware for my projects based
on ARM mbedOS  in 2 minutes instead 12 minutes (as compared to laptop
build) and connect the build to a git hook.. then speeding up a bit
could return a binary right away as a result of git push :-) :-)

In a free moment it would be fun to play with FreeBSD on ARM.. I have
tried that several times before but with no luck.. and I really have
different boards around to test :-)

Again GREAT THANK YOU Ruslan for your time support and all hints!! :-)


CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info

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