12.1 release symbol incompatibility?

Konstantin Belousov kostikbel at gmail.com
Thu Sep 19 06:22:04 UTC 2019

On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 03:05:34PM -0600, Sean Bruno wrote:
> If one installs 12.1 and tries to run a 12.0 release package (postgresql
> server for instance), it fails due to a missing symbol:
>  # service postgresql start
> /usr/local/bin/pg_ctl: Undefined symbol "stat at FBSD_1.5"
> I think this is a bug as we are supposed to support this kind of thing,
> right?

I do not think it is a bug in the base system.  You seems to install
stable/11 libc.  How did you get that libc, is a different question.

The stat at FBSD_1.5 symbol was added during the CURRENT-12 lifecycle due
to the ino64 work, and was there at the branch point for 12. Of course
nobody removed it from libc since then.

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