trying to expand a zvol-backed bhyve guest which is UFS

tech-lists tech-lists at
Mon May 20 09:09:19 UTC 2019

On Sun, May 19, 2019 at 10:17:35PM -0500, Adam wrote:
>On Sun, May 19, 2019 at 9:47 PM tech-lists <tech-lists at> wrote:
>> Thanks very much to you both, all sorted now. I didn't realise there was
>> a 2TB limit for MBR either. Can I shrink the 4TB to 2TB on the zfs side
>> without scrambling the ufs on the guest?
>You can snapshot the zvol to be safe, but you should be able to shrink it
>to the existing partition size.  If it's a sparse zvol, it may not may that
>much difference.

The zvol has about 515GB data. Hopefully zfs is smart enough to shrink
to the MBR boundary.
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