11-STABLE system unbootable after update

Scott Bennett bennett at sdf.org
Mon May 20 04:38:19 UTC 2019

Matt Garber <matt.garber at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, May 19, 2019 at 9:00 AM Scott Bennett <bennett at sdf.org> wrote:
> >
> >      Many, many thanks to the person who responded with the solution to
> > get past the
> > loader crash!!  My system is now getting work done again, and the rest of
> > the new
> > problems can be dealt with on a running system.
> Out of curiosity, you mentioned in your previous email you created a new
> boot environment for this upgrade? since additional issues remain beyond
> the loader, have you considered rolling back to the known-good BE and
> attempting the entire process again (with another, separate BE) in a week
> or so? Especially since that would hopefully allow you to continue your
> other work without any additional issues or oddities to sort through in the
> meantime?
     Yes, and I will likely do so, but not tonight.  I am still exploring
what is new/changed in this revision (besides a broken zfsloader), and I do
have mprime back to work for the time being, so reverting can wait another
day.  I have reverted a few times in the past, but was always able to start
that from the boot menu.  This time really threw me until I received a reply
to my plea for help telling me how to use the previous loader to get to the
boot menu.  I had already successfully run the r347183 kernel in single-user
mode, so I figured I could do so again.  What broke the zfsloader was the
installworld step.
     After reverting to r345498 I will try bringing my source tree up to date,
which would be quite a bit later than this broken r347183, and then run a
fresh buildworld and buildkernel anyway.  If all that fails, then I'll just
go back to r345498 again and sit it out until 11.3-RELEASE happens before
trying again.

                                  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:   bennett at sdf.org   *xor*   bennett at freeshell.org  *
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