
Michelle Sullivan michelle at sorbs.net
Wed May 8 14:00:02 UTC 2019

Paul Mather wrote:
>>  due to lack of space.  Interestingly have had another drive die in 
>> the array - and it doesn't just have one or two sectors down it has a 
>> *lot* - which was not noticed by the original machine - I moved the 
>> drive to a byte copier which is where it's reporting 100's of sectors 
>> damaged... could this be compounded by zfs/mfi driver/hba not picking 
>> up errors like it should?
> Did you have regular pool scrubs enabled?  It would have picked up 
> silent data corruption like this.  It does for me.
Yes, every month (once a month because, (1) the data doesn't change much 
(new data is added, old it not touched), and (2) because to complete it 
took 2 weeks.)


Michelle Sullivan

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