Michelle Sullivan
michelle at sorbs.net
Mon May 6 14:14:26 UTC 2019
Michelle Sullivan
Sent from my iPad
> On 06 May 2019, at 22:23, Walter Cramer <wfc at mintsol.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, 6 May 2019, Patrick M. Hausen wrote:
>> Hi!
>>> Am 30.04.2019 um 18:07 schrieb Walter Cramer <wfc at mintsol.com>:
>>> With even a 1Gbit ethernet connection to your main system, savvy use of (say) rsync (net/rsync in Ports), and the sort of "know your data / divide & conquer" tactics that Karl mentions, you should be able to complete initial backups (on both backup servers) in <1 month. After that - rsync can generally do incremental backups far, far faster.
>> ZFS can do incremental snapshots and send/receive much faster than rsync on the file level. And e.g. FreeNAS comes with all the bells and whistles already in place - just a matter of point and click to replicate one set of datasets on one server to another one …
> True. But I was making a brief suggestion to Michelle - who does not seem to be a trusting fan of ZFS - hoping that she might actually implement it,
I implemented it for 8 years.
It’s great on enterprise hardware in enterprise dcs (except when it isn’t, but that’s a rare occurrence..as I have found).. but it is (in my experience) an absolute f***ing disaster waiting to happen on any consumer hardware... how many laptops do you know with more than one drive?
My issue here (and not really what the blog is about) FreeBSD is defaulting to it. FreeBSD used to be targeted at enterprise and devs (which is where I found it)... however the last few years have been a big push into the consumer (compete with Linux) market.. so you have an OS that concerns itself with the desktop and upgrade after upgrade after upgrade (not just patching security issues, but upgrades as well.. just like windows and OSX)... I get it.. the money is in the keeping of the user base.. but then you install a file system which is dangerous on a single disk by default... dangerous because it’s trusted and “can’t fail” .. until it goes titsup.com and then the entire drive is lost and all the data on it.. it’s the double standard... advocate you need ECC ram, multiple vdevs etc, then single drive it.. sorry.. which one is it? Gaaaaaarrrrrrrgggghhhhhhh!
</rant over>
Back to installing windows 7 (yes really!) and the zfs file recovery tool someone made... (yes really!)
> or something similar. Or at least an already-tediously-long mailing list thread would end. Rsync is good enough for her situation, and would let her use UFS on her off-site backup servers, if she preferred that.
Upon reflection as most data on the drive is write once read lots, yes I should have.
This machine is mostly used as a large media server, media is put on, it is cataloged and moved around to logical places, then it never changes until it’s deleted.
I made the mistake of moving stuff onto it to reshuffle the main data server when it died... I have no backups of some critical data that’s why I’m p**sed.. it’s not FreeBSD or ZFSs fault, it’s my own stupidity for trusting ZFS would be good for a couple of weeks whilst I got everything organized...
>> *Local* replication is a piece of cake today, if you have the hardware.
>> Kind regards,
>> Patrick
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