route based ipsec
matpockuh at
Sat May 4 21:33:32 UTC 2019
сб, 4 мая 2019 г. в 21:01, Scott Aitken <freebsd-lists-5 at>:
> > On 5/2/2019 4:16 PM, KOT MATPOCKuH wrote:
> > > 0.The ipsec-tools port currently does not have a maintainer (C)
> portmaster
> > > ... Does this solution really supported? Or I should switch to use
> > > another IKE daemon?
> I've just started using IPSEC between a 12.0-RELEASE box, a 11.2-RELEASE-p9
> box and a Cisco IOS router.
What type of peers_identifier are You using?
I'm using asn1dn...
And today I got a coredump on 3rd host in:
#0 0x000000000024717f in privsep_init ()
I haven't seen any core dumps or crashes. I run routing between these
> devices (using RIPv2 rather than OSPF) - in order to do this you need to
> create tunnels between the devices because encrypting routing protocols and
> things that use multicast is tricky. I felt that that the handbook example
> was lacking - it should have been encrypting the tunnel endpoints and NOT
> the
> LAN traffic on either side of the tunnel.
I used pointtomultipoint topology and hardcoded peer's IP addresses for
No multicast => no problems :)
> Anyway I built IPENCAP (aka IPinIP) tunnels using gif interfaces and
> configured racoon/ipsec-tools to build the SA/SADs using the tunnel
> endpoints
> and IP protocol 4 (IPENCAP).
I think my next step will be try to use gre tunnels over ipsec with psk
If you want the configs let me know.
No, thanks You! :)
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