Bob Bishop
rb at gid.co.uk
Thu May 2 21:17:49 UTC 2019
> On 2 May 2019, at 19:17, Julian H. Stacey <jhs at berklix.com> wrote:
> Hi, Reference:
>> From: "N.J. Mann" <njm at njm.me.uk>
>> Date: Thu, 02 May 2019 18:18:16 +0100
> "N.J. Mann" wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Friday, May 03, 2019 03:00:05 +1000 Michelle Sullivan <michelle at sorbs.net> wrote:
>>>>> I am sorry to hear about your loss of data, but where does the 11kV come from?
>>>>> I can understand 415V, i.e. two phases in contact, but the type of overhead
>>>>> lines in the pictures you reference are three phase each typically 240V to
>>>>> neutral and 415V between two phases.
>>>> Bottom lines on the power pole are normal 240/415 .. top lines are the 11KV distribution network.
>>> Oh and just so you know, it’s sorta impossible to get 415 down a 240v connection
>> No it is not. As I said, if two phases come into contact you can have 415v between
>> live and neutral.
> With 3 phase:
> - 415 between each of the 3 live phases
> - 240 between neutral & the 3 live phases
... and that’s RMS, so 586 and 325 peak respectively.
> (To visualise: draw a circle of radius 12 cm, mark off dots on circle at
> 120 degrees. measure between dots: 20.75cm, Neutral is compass hole in paper )
> PS UK/Britain was nominal 240V, but EU inc UK is now nominal 230V +10%/-6%
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mains_electricity#Standardisation
> Cheers,
> Julian
> --
> Julian Stacey, Consultant Systems Engineer, BSD Linux Unix, Munich Aachen Kent
> http://stolenvotes.uk Brexit ref. stole votes from 700,000 Brits in EU.
> Lies bought; Campaigns fined; 1.9 M young had no vote, 1.3 M old leavers dead.
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Bob Bishop
rb at gid.co.uk
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