
Michelle Sullivan michelle at sorbs.net
Thu May 2 18:21:28 UTC 2019

Michelle Sullivan
Sent from my iPad

> On 03 May 2019, at 04:04, N.J. Mann <njm at njm.me.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> I will ignore the insult and just say again "come into contact".  Yes,
> I do know what I am talking about and have even seen it happen.

It wasn’t an insult (certainly not intended).. and I did say, “sorta impossible” and there are a whole series of events that would have to be a precursor for it to happen..  all of which I’d consider highly unlikely (less than 0.0001% chance) where they happened and were not corrected before an event happened... even if you were to actually drop the phase on a floating terminal and take out the probability of that happening... Ie you’d have to cut/drop three safety connections, have them go unnoticed and then drop cables in two directions on a pole before you drop you phase on the connection... 

I should say.. bit of a reach... but then having a transformer blow up, and someone take out a power pole and have 11kv line drop on a 240v phase within 6 hours whilst resilvering a drive would be a reach as well... so point conceded, it could  happen.

> Best wishes,
>            Nick.
> -- 

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