Michelle Sullivan
michelle at sorbs.net
Wed May 1 23:27:53 UTC 2019
Michelle Sullivan
Sent from my iPad
> On 02 May 2019, at 02:16, Chris <chrcoluk at gmail.com> wrote:
> Your story is so unusual I am wondering if its not fiction, I mean all
> sorts of power cuts where it just so happens the UPS fails every time,
The only “fiction” is the date.. was the 10th not the 19th March... https://www.southcoastregister.com.au/story/5945663/homes-left-without-power-after-electrical-pole-destroyed-in-sanctuary-point-accident/
UPSes do glitch out sometimes, but rarely.. they do have problems when 11kv comes down a 240v line though...
> then you decide to ship a server halfway round the world, and on top
> of that you get a way above average rate of hard drive failures. But
> aside from all this you managed to recover multiple times.
Incorrect.. I shipped the server around the world 18 months ago.. (Oct 2017).. before that the power problems... well Malta is legendary for them...
This was the last to hit me before I moved back home to Australia after being there for 8 years...
> ZFS is never claimed to be a get out of jail free card, but it did
> survive in your case multiple times, I suggest tho if you value
> redundancy, do not use RAIDZ but use Mirror instead. I dont know why
> people keep persisting with raid 5/6 now days with drives as large as
> they are.
Could that be because at the time of building it, the largest drives were 4T... had the 6T drives been available to me I would have mirrored 6T drives instead of zRAID2 ing 16x3T drives.
> I have used ZFS since the days of FreeBSD 8.x and its resilience
> compared to the likes of ext is astounding and especially compared to
> UFS.
I’m not disputing its resilience to errors in the file data, it is rather good, but when it comes to the metadata that’s when I have always had problems.. it’s ok until it isn’t, then it’s lucky if you can get it back... and until now I’ve had that luck.
> Before marking it down think how would UFS or ext have managed the
> scenarios you presented in your blog.
Well I have 2 servers with zfs, the rest are UFS or HPFS... the only other Issue I had was a (mirrored drive) with HPFS... it got corrupted where it (the FSCK like tools) couldn’t fix it... but the drive was still accessible and the backups were on the zfs drives... (timemachines in zvols over iscsi)... I didn’t need to go to timemachine (though I did check the data for consistency after “restore”) .. I got new drives, replaced then, mirrored them, then copied over everything except the OS by mounting one of the drives in an external caddy... solved the underlying “unfixable” error in the HPFS structures...
> Also think about where you hosting your data with all your power
> failures and the UPS equipment you utilise as well.
Well I have insurance quotes for new UPSes that I’m waiting on replacement so that’s sorta mute... I could post the images of them here if you like or don’t believe me?
Seriously it is unusual I get it, but all my ZFS problems have been due to failures whilst resilvering ... it’s always (over 8 years of running these servers) resilvering tHat does it... it’ll be happily progressing and another drive fails, power goes out, kernel panic, etc... then the problems start, and if it does it twice you better start praying. This is my experience.
>> On Mon, 29 Apr 2019 at 16:26, Michelle Sullivan <michelle at sorbs.net> wrote:
>> I know I'm not going to be popular for this, but I'll just drop it here
>> anyhow.
>> http://www.michellesullivan.org/blog/1726
>> Perhaps one should reconsider either:
>> 1. Looking at tools that may be able to recover corrupt ZFS metadata, or
>> 2. Defaulting to non ZFS filesystems on install.
>> --
>> Michelle Sullivan
>> http://www.mhix.org/
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