Problem with Emulex OCE 10 GbE cards

Borja Marcos borjam at
Wed Mar 20 07:28:15 UTC 2019


I am trying to use several Emulex OpenConnect cards and the driver fails to attach them.

oce0: <Emulex CNA NIC function:///> mem 0x92c00000-0x92c03fff,0x92bc0000-0x92bdffff,0x92be0000-0x92bfffff irq 38 at device 0.7 on pci2
oce0: oce_mq_create failed - cmd status: 2
oce0: MQ create failed
device_attach: oce0 attach returned 1

Any ideas? Running 12-STABLE as of last Friday, it also failed on 12-RELEASE.

none24 at pci0:16:0:6:	class=0x020000 card=0xe62910df chip=0x070019a2 rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'Emulex Corporation'
    device     = 'OneConnect OCe10100/OCe10102 Series 10 GbE'
    class      = network
    subclass   = ethernet
none25 at pci0:16:0:7:	class=0x020000 card=0xe62910df chip=0x070019a2 rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'Emulex Corporation'
    device     = 'OneConnect OCe10100/OCe10102 Series 10 GbE'
    class      = network
    subclass   = ethernet



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