Observations from a ZFS reorganization on 12-STABLE
peter.blok at bsd4all.org
peter.blok at bsd4all.org
Mon Mar 18 14:31:55 UTC 2019
Same here using mfsbsd from 11-RELEASE. First attempt I forgot to add swap - it killed the ssh I was using to issue a zfs send on the remote system.
Next attempt I added swap, but ssh got killed too.
Third attempt I used mfsbsd from 12-RELEASE. It succeeded.
Now I am using mfsbsd 11-RELEASE with added swap and vis.zfs.arc_min and arc_max to 128Mb (it is a 4GB system) and it succeeds
> On 18 Mar 2019, at 15:14, Karl Denninger <karl at denninger.net> wrote:
> On 3/18/2019 08:37, Walter Cramer wrote:
>> I suggest caution in raising vm.v_free_min, at least on 11.2-RELEASE
>> systems with less RAM. I tried "65536" (256MB) on a 4GB mini-server,
>> with vfs.zfs.arc_max of 2.5GB. Bad things happened when the cron
>> daemon merely tried to run `periodic daily`.
>> A few more details - ARC was mostly full, and "bad things" was 1:
>> `pagedaemon` seemed to be thrashing memory - using 100% of CPU, with
>> little disk activity, and 2: many normal processes seemed unable to
>> run. The latter is probably explained by `man 3 sysctl` (see entry for
>> "VM_V_FREE_MIN").
>> On Mon, 18 Mar 2019, Pete French wrote:
>>> On 17/03/2019 21:57, Eugene Grosbein wrote:
>>>> I agree. Recently I've found kind-of-workaround for this problem:
>>>> increase vm.v_free_min so when "FREE" memory goes low,
>>>> page daemon wakes earlier and shrinks UMA (and ZFS ARC too) moving
>>>> some memory
>>>> from WIRED to FREE quick enough so it can be re-used before bad
>>>> things happen.
>>>> But avoid increasing vm.v_free_min too much (e.g. over 1/4 of total
>>>> RAM)
>>>> because kernel may start behaving strange. For 16Gb system it should
>>>> be enough
>>>> to raise vm.v_free_min upto 262144 (1GB) or 131072 (512M).
>>>> This is not permanent solution in any way but it really helps.
>>> Ah, thats very interesting, thankyou for that! I;ve been bitten by
>>> this issue too in the past, and it is (as mentioned) much improved on
>>> 12, but the act it could still cause issues worries me.
> Raising free_target should *not* result in that sort of thrashing.
> However, that's not really a fix standing alone either since the
> underlying problem is not being addressed by either change. It is
> especially dangerous to raise the pager wakeup thresholds if you still
> run into UMA allocated-but-not-in-use not being cleared out issues as
> there's a risk of severe pathological behavior arising that's worse than
> the original problem.
> 11.1 and before (I didn't have enough operational experience with 11.2
> to know, as I went to 12.x from mostly-11.1 installs around here) were
> essentially unusable in my workload without either my patch set or the
> Phabricator one.
> This is *very* workload-specific however, or nobody would use ZFS on
> earlier releases, and many do without significant problems.
> --
> Karl Denninger
> karl at denninger.net <mailto:karl at denninger.net> <mailto:karl at denninger.net <mailto:karl at denninger.net>>
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