EFI loader doesn't handle md_preload (md_image) correct?

Harry Schmalzbauer freebsd at omnilan.de
Mon Apr 8 06:45:08 UTC 2019

Am 16.05.2017 um 18:26 schrieb Harry Schmalzbauer:
> Bezüglich Toomas Soome's Nachricht vom 16.05.2017 18:20 (localtime):
>>> On 16. mai 2017, at 19:13, Harry Schmalzbauer <freebsd at omnilan.de> wrote:
>>> Bezüglich Toomas Soome's Nachricht vom 16.05.2017 18:00 (localtime):
>>>>> On 16. mai 2017, at 18:45, Harry Schmalzbauer <freebsd at omnilan.de
>>>>> <mailto:freebsd at omnilan.de>> wrote:
>>>>> Bezüglich Harry Schmalzbauer's Nachricht vom 16.05.2017 17:28 (localtime):
>>>>>> Bezüglich Toomas Soome's Nachricht vom 16.05.2017 16:57 (localtime):
>>>>>>>> On 16. mai 2017, at 17:55, Harry Schmalzbauer <freebsd at omnilan.de
>>>>>>>> <mailto:freebsd at omnilan.de>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>> unfortunately I had some trouble with my preferred MFS-root setups.
>>>>>>>> It seems EFI loader doesn't handle type md_image correctly.
>>>>>>>> If I load any md_image with loader invoked by gptboot or gptzfsboot,
>>>>>>>> 'lsmod'
>>>>>>>> shows "elf kernel", "elf obj module(s)" and "md_image".
>>>>>>>> Using the same loader.conf, but EFI loader, the md_image-file is
>>>>>>>> prompted and sems to be loaded, but not registered.  There's no
>>>>>>>> md_image
>>>>>>>> with 'lsmod', hence it's not astonsihing that kernel doesn't attach md0
>>>>>>>> so booting fails since there's no rootfs.
>>>>>>>> Any help highly appreciated, hope Toomas doesn't mind beeing
>>>>>>>> initially CC'd.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> -harry
>>>>>>> The first question is, how large is the md_image and what other
>>>>>>> modules are loaded?
>>>>>> Thanks for your quick response.
>>>>>> The images are 50-500MB uncompressed (provided by gzip compressed file).
>>>>>> Small ammount of elf modules, 5, each ~50kB.
>>>>> On the real HW, there's vmm and some more:
>>>>> Id Refs Address             Size Name
>>>>> 1   46 0xffffffff80200000   16M kernel
>>>>> 2    1 0xffffffff8121d000   86K unionfs.ko
>>>>> 3    1 0xffffffff81233000  3.1M zfs.ko
>>>>> 4    2 0xffffffff81545000   51K opensolaris.ko
>>>>> 5    7 0xffffffff81552000  279K usb.ko
>>>>> 6    1 0xffffffff81598000   67K ukbd.ko
>>>>> 7    1 0xffffffff815a9000   51K umass.ko
>>>>> 8    1 0xffffffff815b6000   46K aesni.ko
>>>>> 9    1 0xffffffff815c3000   54K uhci.ko
>>>>> 10    1 0xffffffff815d1000   65K ehci.ko
>>>>> 11    1 0xffffffff815e2000   15K cc_htcp.ko
>>>>> 12    1 0xffffffff815e6000  3.4M vmm.ko
>>>>> 13    1 0xffffffffa3a21000   12K ums.ko
>>>>> 14    1 0xffffffffa3a24000  9.1K uhid.ko
>>>>> Providing md_image uncompressed doesn't change anything.
>>>>> Will deploy a /usr separated rootfs, which is only ~100MB uncompressed
>>>>> and see if that changes anything.
>>>>> That's all I can provide, code is far beyond my knowledge...
>>>>> -harry
>>>> The issue is, that current UEFI implementation is using 64MB staging
>>>> memory for loading the kernel and modules and files. When the boot is
>>>> called, the relocation code will put the bits from staging area into the
>>>> final places. The BIOS version does not need such staging area, and that
>>>> will explain the difference.
>>>> I actually have different implementation to address the same problem,
>>>> but thats for illumos case, and will need some work to make it usable
>>>> for freebsd; the idea is actually simple - allocate staging area per
>>>> loaded file and relocate the bits into the place by component, not as
>>>> continuous large chunk (this would also allow to avoid the mines like
>>>> planted by hyperv;), but right now there is no very quick real solution
>>>> other than just build efi loader with larger staging size.
>>> Ic, thanks for the explanation.
>>> While not aware about the purpose of the staging area nor the
>>> consequences of enlarging it, do you think it's feasable increasing it
>>> to 768Mib?
>>> At least now I have an idea baout the issue and an explanation why
>>> reducing md_imgae to 100MB hasn't helped – still more than 64...
>>> Any quick hint where to define the staging area size highly appreciated,
>>> fi there are no hard objections against a 768MB size.
>>> -harry
>> The problem is that before UEFI Boot Services are not switched off, the memory is managed (and owned) by the firmware,
> Hmm, I've been expecting something like that (owend by firmware) ;-)
> So I'll stay with CSM for now, and will happily be an early adopter if
> you need someone to try anything (-stable mergable).

Hello Toomas,

thanks for your ongoing FreeBSD commits, saw your recent libstand 
improvements and the efiloader commit.
Which remembers me nagging the skilled ones for my unmet needs ;-)

I guess nobody had time to look at the MFS-root limitation with EFI vs. 
If you have any news/plans, please share.
The ability to boot via EFI gives a much better console 
experience/usability for admins, but on MFS-root system, I'm still 
forced to use the old loader path, because of the 64MB size limit.

Do you think there's a chance that this will be resolved for FreeBSD?



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