bsdtar: xz threads support disabled

miltonott miltonott at
Mon Nov 26 07:04:00 UTC 2018

on Sat Nov 24 08:47:18 UTC 2018 Stefan wrote:
> Is there any reason why bsdtar is built without XZ multi-threading support?

> It's not documented in the man page, so maybe it's an experimental feature.

> Can be tested with this command:
> tar -Jcf /dev/null --options xz:threads=4 $HOME

> After setting HAVE_LZMA_STREAM_ENCODER_MT, it works as expected:

  My lord, indeed. A careful inspector you  are.  This  speciality  makes  an
appearance in ports libachive but not libarchive in base.  I bet you  already
had this intuition all along.

$ /usr/local/bin/bsdtar cpJ --options xz:threads=2 -f /dev/null temp &
$ ps -o pid,user,args -H $!

1655 miltonott /usr/local/bin/bsdtar cpJ --options xz:threads=2 -f /dev/null temp
1655 miltonott /usr/local/bin/bsdtar cpJ --options xz:threads=2 -f /dev/null temp
1655 miltonott /usr/local/bin/bsdtar cpJ --options xz:threads=2 -f /dev/null temp

Bah, now I need to research why I see three and not two.

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