ftpd in base
Eugene Grosbein
eugen at grosbein.net
Sun May 20 17:35:53 UTC 2018
20.05.2018 18:49, tech-lists wrote:
> Hi,
> context: 11.2-BETA2 #0 r333924/amd64
> I'm trying to get chrooted ftpd (in base) to write files uploaded to the user dir as mode 666 (umask 111).
> I have a line in inetd.conf that looks like this:
> ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/ftpd ftpd -l -u 111
> The user logs in OK and uploads OK but the perms are always 644. There is no login.conf overriding this.
By default, there IS login class "default" in our /etc/login.conf with 0644 umask value.
> The users shell is /usr/sbin/nologin as these are ftp-only accounts. This exact config works fine on linux (specifically ubuntu)
> Why is ftpd ignoring -u ? How can I fix?
Our ftpd applies -u and by default instantly overrides it with login class setting.
You should add your own login class to /etc/login.conf with 0111 value
then run "cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf" and "pw usermod ftpusername -L ftploginclass"
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