Userland PPP on ADSL

O'Connor, Daniel darius at
Sun May 13 07:50:05 UTC 2018

> On 8 May 2018, at 22:33, Eugene Grosbein <eugen at> wrote:
>> Does anyone have any suggestions where to start looking? It would be nice if the base tool worked properly for what I feel is a not uncommon scenario :)
> You have not specified FreeBSD version you use.

Oops, sorry - it's 11.1p7.

Although I am pretty sure I saw it all the way back at 9.x when I switched a number of systems over to mpd5.

> First, you should check if the ppp process is waiting on some system call when it's hung.
> Use ps -l or procstat to check it. And you should enable verbose logs in ppp.conf.

Good idea, I need to re-set a system back to PPP to test and break it when there isn't someone around to complain about it which might take a while :(

Daniel O'Connor
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
 -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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