[HEADS UP] - OFED/RDMA stack update

Navdeep Parhar np at FreeBSD.org
Thu Mar 22 20:37:34 UTC 2018

iw_cxgbe still doesn't build in the branch because of some socket
changes in head that are not in 11.  I need to add the 11 equivalent of
the dequeue_socket code to iw_cxgbe to get it to compile, and then try
it to see if it actually works.


On 03/22/2018 04:36, Meny Yossefi wrote:
> Hi Navdeep, 
> What's the current iWARP status on the project branch? 
> If it's ready we'd like to merge it to FreeBSD11-STABLE immediately. 
> -Meny
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Navdeep Parhar [mailto:nparhar at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Navdeep Parhar
> Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 10:08 PM
> To: Hans Petter Selasky <hps at selasky.org>; Konstantin Belousov <kib at freebsd.org>; 'freebsd-infiniband at freebsd.org' <freebsd-infiniband at freebsd.org>; freebsd-drivers <freebsd-drivers at mellanox.com>; Meny Yossefi <menyy at mellanox.com>; 'FreeBSD-stable at FreeBSD.org' <FreeBSD-stable at FreeBSD.org>; freebsd-arch <freebsd-arch at freebsd.org>
> Subject: Re: [HEADS UP] - OFED/RDMA stack update
> On 03/17/2018 13:03, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
>> On 03/17/18 20:52, Navdeep Parhar wrote:
>>> Hold your horses.  Do you have confirmation from the affected party 
>>> that the shims are adequate for them?  I have been waiting for that 
>>> before looking at this branch.
>> Hi Navdeep,
>> Mellanox has received an API list from at least one party, and has 
>> taken the action to support all the required APIs.
>>> Is the iw_cxgbe breakage a simple merge conflict as previously 
>>> discussed or do the shims require driver changes?
>> It is a merge conflict. The code already compiles in 12-current.
> I tried backing out r329391 and r329017 in a local copy and then was able to merge r320418, r323082, and r326169 in that order without any conflicts.  But iw_cxgbe/cm.c still doesn't compile in the projects branch because it has some socket code that relies on some of glebius's changes available only in head (I checked with him and they aren't MFC'able).  I'm trying to figure out what to do about those.
> And what about the cxgb breakage?  Is there any simple way to make an old style driver work with the new stack?  T3 iw_cxgb in head was retired before the ofed overhaul.
> Regards,
> Navdeep

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