Strange unbound behaviour

Matt Smith matt.xtaz at
Fri Aug 24 15:51:23 UTC 2018

On Aug 24 16:28, Stefan Lambrev wrote:
>I have two DNS servers up and running for my home setup. But for some
>reason both stop resolving at some point.
>1st instance is with unbbound from ports, second from base system but
>configs are very similar:
># cat /usr/local/etc/unbound/unbound.conf
>        directory: /usr/local/etc/unbound
>        chroot: /usr/local/etc/unbound
>If I restart the service it works again...

In man(5) unbound.conf it says this:

# make sure unbound can access entropy from inside the chroot.
# e.g. on linux the use these commands (on BSD, devfs(8) is used):
#      mount --bind -n /dev/random /etc/unbound/dev/random

I can see that you use a chroot. I'm wondering if you've not mounted a /dev/random into the chroot and maybe it's running out of free entropy for something and blocking. This might explain why it works for a while and then fails.

I do this:

In /etc/fstab:

devfs                   /usr/local/etc/unbound/dev      devfs   rw      0       0

In /etc/rc.conf:


In /etc/devfs.rules:

add hide
add path random unhide

Might help?


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