gpart strangeness

Mike Tancsa mike at
Tue Aug 21 18:30:55 UTC 2018

On 8/21/2018 9:51 AM, Eugene Grosbein wrote:
> It seems like faulty media to me: it silently returns bad data.
> There is an easy way to verify this just with naked eye:
> yes | dd bs=128k of=/dev/ada0
> hd /dev/ada0
> That is, hd(1) should write back only 3 lines of output:
> 00000000  79 0a 79 0a 79 0a 79 0a  79 0a 79 0a 79 0a 79 0a  |y.y.y.y.y.y.y.y.|
> *
> 01000000
> If not, the media if faulty.

There are 3 of these disks I found. Unfortunately, they all seem a
little different from the revision stamps on the board.  They are all
from PCEngines who generally seem to source quality products. This is in
an APU3

A "bad" disk

0# camcontrol identify ada0
pass0: <SATA SSD S9FM02.0> ACS-3 ATA SATA 3.x device
pass0: 600.000MB/s transfers (SATA 3.x, PIO4, PIO 8192bytes)

protocol              ATA/ATAPI-10 SATA 3.x
device model          SATA SSD
firmware revision     S9FM02.0
serial number         DED9075313EC01677930
cylinders             16383
heads                 16
sectors/track         63
sector size           logical 512, physical 512, offset 0
LBA supported         31277232 sectors
LBA48 supported       31277232 sectors
PIO supported         PIO4
DMA supported         WDMA2 UDMA6
media RPM             non-rotating
Zoned-Device Commands no

Feature                      Support  Enabled   Value           Vendor
read ahead                     yes      yes
write cache                    yes      yes
flush cache                    yes      yes
overlap                        no
Tagged Command Queuing (TCQ)   no       no
Native Command Queuing (NCQ)   yes              32 tags
NCQ Queue Management           no
NCQ Streaming                  no
Receive & Send FPDMA Queued    no
SMART                          yes      yes
microcode download             yes      yes
security                       yes      no
power management               yes      yes
advanced power management      yes      no      0/0x00
automatic acoustic management  no       no
media status notification      no       no
power-up in Standby            no       no
write-read-verify              no       no
unload                         yes      yes
general purpose logging        yes      yes
free-fall                      no       no
Data Set Management (DSM/TRIM) yes
DSM - max 512byte blocks       yes              8
DSM - deterministic read       no
Host Protected Area (HPA)      yes      no      31277232/31277232
HPA - Security                 no

a 'good' disk

# camcontrol identify ada0
pass0: <SATA SSD SBFM01.0> ACS-4 ATA SATA 3.x device
pass0: 600.000MB/s transfers (SATA 3.x, PIO4, PIO 8192bytes)

protocol              ATA/ATAPI-11 SATA 3.x
device model          SATA SSD
firmware revision     SBFM01.0
serial number         A44907781CE300040613
WWN                   5000000000000000
cylinders             16383
heads                 16
sectors/track         63
sector size           logical 512, physical 512, offset 0
LBA supported         31277232 sectors
LBA48 supported       31277232 sectors
PIO supported         PIO4
DMA supported         WDMA2 UDMA6
media RPM             non-rotating
Zoned-Device Commands no

Feature                      Support  Enabled   Value           Vendor
read ahead                     yes      yes
write cache                    yes      yes
flush cache                    yes      yes
overlap                        no
Tagged Command Queuing (TCQ)   no       no
Native Command Queuing (NCQ)   yes              32 tags
NCQ Queue Management           no
NCQ Streaming                  no
Receive & Send FPDMA Queued    no
SMART                          yes      yes
microcode download             yes      yes
security                       yes      no
power management               yes      yes
advanced power management      no       no
automatic acoustic management  no       no
media status notification      no       no
power-up in Standby            no       no
write-read-verify              no       no
unload                         no       no
general purpose logging        yes      yes
free-fall                      no       no
Data Set Management (DSM/TRIM) yes
DSM - max 512byte blocks       yes              8
DSM - deterministic read       no
Host Protected Area (HPA)      yes      no      31277232/31277232
HPA - Security                 no

% diff good bad
< pass0: <SATA SSD SBFM01.0> ACS-4 ATA SATA 3.x device
> pass0: <SATA SSD S9FM02.0> ACS-3 ATA SATA 3.x device
< protocol              ATA/ATAPI-11 SATA 3.x
> protocol              ATA/ATAPI-10 SATA 3.x
< firmware revision     SBFM01.0
< serial number         A44907781CE300040613
< WWN                   5000000000000000
> firmware revision     S9FM02.0
> serial number         DED9075313EC01677930
< advanced power management      no       no
> advanced power management      yes      no      0/0x00
< unload                         no       no
> unload                         yes      yes

1# yes | dd bs=128k of=/dev/ada0
dd: /dev/ada0: short write on character device
dd: /dev/ada0: end of device
0+1066621 records in
122176+1 records out
16013942784 bytes transferred in 566.461990 secs (28270110 bytes/sec)
1# hd /dev/ada0
00000000  79 0a 79 0a 79 0a 79 0a  79 0a 79 0a 79 0a 79 0a

Mike Tancsa, tel +1 519 651 3400 x203
Sentex Communications, mike at
Providing Internet services since 1994
Cambridge, Ontario Canada

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