The 11.1-RC3 can only boot and attach disks in "Safe mode", otherwise gets stuck attaching

Mark Martinec Mark.Martinec+freebsd at
Mon Jul 24 13:26:28 UTC 2017

2017-07-24 04:15, Mark Johnston wrote:
> Could you try re-enabling EARLY_AP_STARTUP, applying the patch at the
> end of this email, and see if the message "sleeping before eventtimer
> init" appears in the boot output? If it does, it'll be followed by a
> backtrace that might be useful for tracking down the hang. It might
> produce false positives, but we'll see.

Thanks! Tried it, and the message (or a backtrace) does not show
during a boot of a generic (patched) kernel, at least not in
the last 40-lines screen before the hang occurs.
(It also does not show during a "Safe mode" successful boot.)


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