stable/11 r321349 crashing immediately

Eugene Grosbein eugen at
Sat Jul 22 05:51:12 UTC 2017

22.07.2017 12:42, Don Lewis wrote:

> The double fault is a pretty good indication that you overflowed the
> kernel stack.  Having ~40 frames on the stack when the fault happened is
> consistent with that.
> It looks like you are trying to execute a program from an NFS file
> system that is exported by the same host.  This isn't exactly optimal
> ...
> Your best bet for a quick workaround for the stack overflow would be to
> rebuild the kernel with a larger value of KSTACK_PAGES.  You can find
> teh default in /usr/src/sys/<arch>/conf/NOTES.
> It would probably be a good idea to compute the differences in the stack
> pointer values between adjacent stack frames to see of any of them are
> consuming an excessive amount of stack space.

Also, there is

Eugene Grosbein

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