How's 11.0-RELEASE coming?

Rohan Ferris ferris at
Fri Sep 9 01:07:19 UTC 2016

Agreed. I try to follow where current efforts are at but don't  know
where to see any discussions on them. Is there a separate list where
release team are communicating?

  Rohan Ferris
  ferris at

On Fri, Sep 9, 2016, at 11:04 AM, Brett Glass wrote:
> So do I. However, there have been no updates from the person
> you mention
> in a week, so I believe it's quite reasonable to inquire as to the
> progress
> of the release.
> --Brett Glass
> At 09:50 PM 9/7/2016, you wrote:
> >I find reading the freebsd-stable at list, particularly the
> >messages from one Glen Barber on behalf of re@ particularly
> >helpful in
> >this regard.
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