I'm upset about FreeBSD

Rostislav Krasny rosti.bsd at gmail.com
Mon Oct 17 12:11:17 UTC 2016

On 17.10.2016 11:57:16 +0500, Eugene M. Zheganin wrote:
> Hi.
> On 17.10.2016 5:44, Rostislav Krasny wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've been using FreeBSD for many years. Not as my main operating
> > > system, though. But anyway several bugs and patches were contributed
> > and somebody even added my name into the additional contributors list.
> > That's pleasing but today I tried to install the FreeBSD 11.0 and I'm
> > > upset about this operating system.
> >
> > First of all I faced an old problem that I reported here a year ago:
> > http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.os.freebsd.stable/96598
> > > Completely new USB flash drive flashed by the
> > FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-mini-memstick.img file kills every Windows
> > again. If I use the Rufus util to write the img file (using DD mode)
> > the Windows dies immediately after the flashing. If I use the
> > Win32DiskImager (suggested by the Handbook) it doesn't reinitialize
> > the USB storage and Windows dies only if I remove and put that USB
> > flash drive again or boot Windows when it is connected. Nothing was
> > done to fix this nasty bug for a year.
> I saw this particular bug, and I must say - man, it's not FreeBSD, it's Rufus.
> So far Windows doesn't have any decent tool to write the image with. As
> about Rufus - somehow it does produce broken images on a USB stick
> (not always though), which make every Windows installation to BSOD
> immediately after inserting. And this continues until you reinitialize the
> stick boot area.

The DD mode in Rufus and in any other flashing util that supports the
DD mode (including the native dd(1) program) just writes the image
file byte by byte without any change, isn't it? If you say the boot
area re-initialization resolves the BSOD issue then why the boot area
isn't fixed in the image file at the first place? I agree that Windows
has a serious bug but why FreeBSD doesn't try to workaround it? After
all people try to install FreeBSD and if the Windows bug and the
FreeBSD developers stubbornness prevent them to do so they just can't
and won't install FreeBSD. This is a lose-lose situation.

> P.S. By the way, win32diskimager is a total mess too. Sometimes it just
> does nothing instead of writing an image. I did try almost all of the free
>  win32 tools to write image with, and didn't find any that would completely
> satisfy me. Rufus would be the best, if it didn't have this ridiculous bug with

Did you try the native FreeBSD dd(1) program or a MinGW version of dd(1)?

And what about other issues I've described in my first email? I
managed to install FreeBSD 11.0 but it still unbootable.

P.S. please Cc your replies to me since I don't receive this mailing
list emails directly, although I'm subscribed.

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