unbound and ntp issuse

Slawa Olhovchenkov slw at zxy.spb.ru
Thu Jun 2 12:27:31 UTC 2016

Default install with local_unbound and ntpd can't be functional with
incorrect date/time in BIOS:

Unbound requred correct time for DNSSEC check and refuseing queries
("Jul  1 20:17:29 yellowrat unbound: [3444:0] info: failed to prime trust anchor -- DNSKEY rrset is not secure . DNSKEY IN")

ntpd don't have any numeric IP of ntp servers in ntp.conf -- only
symbolic names like 0.freebsd.pool.ntp.org, as result -- can't
resolve (see above, about DNSKEY).

IMHO, ntp.conf need to include some numeric IP of public ntp servers.

# date
Tue Jul  1 20:36:31 MSD 2008

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