Not-so stable if you take a CAM error....

Karl Denninger karl at
Mon Jul 11 11:30:41 UTC 2016

On 7/11/2016 02:57, Ronald Klop wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Jul 2016 02:54:38 +0200, Karl Denninger
> <karl at> wrote:
>> Got a (nasty) surprise this afternoon on my sandbox machine.
>> I was updating some Raspberry Pi2 machines which involved taking the sd
>> card out, sticking it in an adapter and plugging it into the sandbox,
>> then mounting the partition and using rsync.
>> Unfortunately one of the cards was, unknown to me, bad and returned a
>> write error during the update.
>> The machine panic'd immediately after the CAM write error popped up.
>> I was quite surprised by this, since (1) the SD card was (of course)
>> mounted as a UFS filesystem; it shows up as a CAM device, (2) the
>> machine itself is running off a ZFS root on a normal host-adapter and
>> thus there is no comingling of the buffer cache and (3) there were no
>> images being run from (can't, wrong architecture!) nor any system I/O
>> (e.g. pagefile) going to the SD card.
>> I certainly understand that under some circumstances (maybe even most
>> circumstances) taking a hard I/O error to a system device is going to
>> hose you and a panic() is arguably "least astonishment" when the price
>> of being wrong might be a corrupted system file or worse (e.g. corrupted
>> paged-out RSS, etc.)  But I didn't expect a panic out a failed write to
>> a device that is mounted and being used purely for data.
>> I don't have a crash dump but can almost-certainly reproduce this if
>> it's something that shouldn't happen and thus merits investigation.
> Hi,
> I understand you are surprised by this. I don't think it is the way it
> should work.
> Is there _any_ debugging information for people to use and try to help
> you? Like which FreeBSD version are you running? Which FreeBSD version
> was used to create the UFS fs? Does it use softupdates (SU) or also
> journaling (SU+J)?
> Maybe some output of dmesg? Or type of SD-card and reader. Other
> people might have similar problems with similar hardware.
> Regards,
> Ronald.
FreeBSD 11.0-BETA1 #0 r302489: Sat Jul  9 10:15:24 CDT 2016    
karl at


FreeBSD 11.0-BETA1 #0 r302526: Sun Jul 10 10:39:31 CDT 2016    
karl at

Both blew up in the same way when stimulated with same I/O error.

The filesystem in question does have softupdates enabled (the RPI images
have it turned on by default) but no journaling.  It's not card/reader
dependent no architecture dependent; when it occurred the first time I
stuck the card and reader into one of my Pis and attempted to update it
there (thinking that perhaps my sandbox machine's USB port was wonky)
and it blew up the Pi2 in the exact same way.

This isn't (obviously, given both Intel-style and ARM machines being
involved) architecture dependent.

It's been a good long while since I took an actual hard I/O error that
was 'visible' at the OS level (I've had plenty of disks die on ZFS over
last few years but no "double failures" on a mirror or similar, and I on
my servers I haven't had a UFS-based system for a while.  This
definitely looks like some sort of regression in the code; I've run
FreeBSD for a hell of a long time and have had plenty of instances where
disks have failed without having the machine go out from under me.

Karl Denninger
karl at <mailto:karl at>
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