stable/11 question: kboot vs. powerpc: only powerpc64?

Mark Millard markmi at
Mon Jul 11 10:56:03 UTC 2016

Is the following something that should be updated something like is indicated below for 11.0-BETA1? Is kboot powerpc64 specific?

# svnlite diff /usr/src/sys/boot/powerpc/Makefile
Index: /usr/src/sys/boot/powerpc/Makefile
--- /usr/src/sys/boot/powerpc/Makefile	(revision 302457)
+++ /usr/src/sys/boot/powerpc/Makefile	(working copy)
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 # $FreeBSD$
-SUBDIR=		boot1.chrp kboot ofw ps3 uboot
+SUBDIR=		boot1.chrp
+.if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "powerpc64"
+SUBDIR+=		kboot
+SUBDIR+=		ofw ps3 uboot
 .include <>

I ask because I'd submitted 206303 back on 2016-jan-16 reporting that TARGET_ARCH=powerpc WITH_BOOT= was stopped by getting a -Wc,-mppc64bride and a -mcpu=powerpc64 (one of the base/head/sys/boot/powerpc/kboot/Makefile SRCS being ppc64_elf_freebsd.c).

Mark Millard
markmi at

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