Multiple kernels installed when KERNCONF lists more than one kernel configuration file
Trond Endrestøl
Trond.Endrestol at
Wed Jan 6 12:45:51 UTC 2016
I'm running stable/10, amd64, r293231, and KERNCONF in /etc/src.conf
lists three kernel configuration files, E5530, GENERIC, and ZFS, in
that order.
The former is the preferred kernel, while the other two simply exists
to verify GENERIC and GENERIC + ZFS.
/boot is a symlink to /bootpool/boot, and /bootpool is a 4 GiB UFS,
yes, that's UFS, not ZFS.
This system uses EFI, and uses the EFI/UFS boot1.efi bootstrap loader
to load the kernel and its modules from the UFS partition, while
loader.conf redirects the rootfs to a dataset on the ZFS pool.
Consequently, I have:
/boot/kernel <-- E5530
/boot/kernel.GENERIC <-- GENERIC
/boot/kernel.ZFS <-- ZFS
UPDATING has nothing on the subject, but maybe I'm blind after all.
Is there a way to prevent installing the other kernels, i.e. GENERIC
and ZFS?
Maybe it's simply a matter of overriding KERNCONF at the command line
while running make installkernel.
| Vennlig hilsen, | Best regards, |
| Trond Endrestøl, | Trond Endrestøl, |
| IT-ansvarlig, | System administrator, |
| Fagskolen Innlandet, | Gjøvik Technical College, Norway, |
| tlf. mob. 952 62 567, | Cellular...: +47 952 62 567, |
| sentralbord 61 14 54 00. | Switchboard: +47 61 14 54 00. |
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