Have I got this VIMAGE setup correct?

Garrett Wollman wollman at bimajority.org
Mon Jan 4 01:33:26 UTC 2016

<<On Tue, 22 Dec 2015 22:42:33 -0600, "Matthew D. Fuller" <fullermd at over-yonder.net> said:

>> 2) Stopping jails with virtual network stacks generates warnings from
>> UMA about memory being leaked.

> I'm given to understand that's Known, and presumably Not Quite Trivial
> To Fix.  Since I'm not starting/stopping jails repeatedly as a normal
> runtime thing, I'm ignoring it.  If you were spinning jails up and
> down dynamically dozens of times a day, I'd want to look more closely
> at just what is leaking and why...

It looks like that's what bz@ fixed in r292601 (thanks to rodrigc@ for
pointing me in the right direction).  I haven't looked at how
difficult this would be to backport, but since I'm in the same
situation as you in terms of the frequency of startup/teardown
operations, I'm probably not going to worry too much about it.  Other
relevant changes from HEAD appear to be 292603, 292604, 278766, and
286537 (and again, this is just based on scanning the svn logs, not
actually thinking about the code).

> Is what I'm doing, though I'm creating the epair's and adding them to
> the bridges in the setup script rather than rc.conf (exec.prestart in
> jail.conf), because that makes it a more manageable IME, and since I'm
> already doing a bunch of setup in the script anyway...

For now, I think I'll just use exec.prestart to manually configure a
MAC address.  It would be nice if the LAA MAC addresses we generated
were both random on initial creation (to better avoid duplicates) and
stable over reboot.  (Likewise the bridge(4) MAC address.)  Or
alternatively if we just had rc.conf support for explicitly
configuring the MAC address of every interface, since ifconfig doesn't
let you configure L2 and L3 addresses on the same command line.

Actually, what would be *really* nice -- and I don't know if any of my
network interfaces can do this, but it would give me a reason to buy
hardware that could -- would be if PCI virtual functions could be used
to implement multiple independent network interfaces in the same
kernel (additional units in the same driver).  Then I wouldn't have to
deal with any of this configuration at all.

Failing all of those, having a good, well-documented example in the
handbook would be a Good Thing.


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